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A while ago, I interviewed my readers for a change, and my final question was, “What question have I NOT asked at BTT that you’d love me to ask?” I got some great responses and will be picking out some of the questions from time to time to ask the rest of you. Like now.

Two questions about your reading habits that just seem to go together.

GigiAnn asks:

Do you have a favorite season of the year that you read more? (Example: during snow storms, rainy weather, or sunny and warm weather) Sorry, that was the best I could come up with.

Lisa asks:

Where is your favorite place to read? On the beach? Inside/outside?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

34 responses

  1. Oh No!! it’s my question!!!! Here is my answer…

  2. My answer boils down to anytime, anywhere, but here are the specifics.

  3. Here is my answer. Have a good weekend!

  4. Here is my answer – mixed in with my sharing of a vintage first printing of Robert Browning I found!

  5. Great question! I really enjoyed answering this one. Here’s my answer.

  6. I like reading on my couch at home and anywhere near the water outside. 🙂
    My full answer is now posted on my blog.

  7. Interesting questions. Here are my answers:

    Booking Through Thursday – Reading (July 26)

  8. I’ve still got almost a whole hour left in Thursday! Hooray!

    Booking Through Thursday: Reading