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What book or author are you most thankful to have discovered?
Have you read everything they’ve written? Reread them?
Why do you appreciate them so much?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

32 responses

  1. Palm Trees & Bare Feet
  2. Happy Thanksgiving to my American Bookies. Here is my BTT for this week.

  3. Good question, but difficult! Here’s my answer.

    Booking Through Thursday

  4. Here’s my Booking Through Thursday ~ House Millar series


  5. I wanted to make an entire list, but that would have taken hours!!! XD
    On my way to check out the others now!! 😀

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! My answer is up.

  7. Easy to answer: Roald Dahl, and not just because of the chocolate factory.

  8. I’m so glad to have discovered Neil Gaiman. The fluidity of his words has me coming back for more. I especially love the characters’ names, Liza Hempstock being my favorite!

  9. I am thankful to Horton Foote; because of him I have a website, and because of him, every semester my students can discover the beautiful screenplay of To Kill A Mockingbird.