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Do you read books “meant” for other age groups? Adult books when you were a child; Young-Adult books now that you’re grown; Picture books just for kicks … You know … books not “meant” for you. Or do you pretty much stick to what’s written for people your age?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

80 responses

  1. BTT: Age Appropriate

    Meh, age is just a number, baby. ;O)

  2. I mostly stick to my age group these days – not so in the past.

  3. Here is my answer to today’s BTT

  4. Great question. My answer is here

  5. Guess I’m a kid at heart! ❤

    BTT: Age-Appropriate


  6. This is my first time participating — thanks for hosting. My answer is a qualified “Yes.”

  7. […] Booking Through Thursday question is one I’ve actually thought about before throughout my reading […]

  8. […] Booking Through Thursday asks: Do you read books “meant” for other age groups? Adult books when you were a child; […]

  9. I think I read Nancy Drew books for far too long …

    Booking Through Thursday: Age-Appropriate

  10. My (sorta disjointed) post is up here:

    Basically, I read whatever’s appealing to me–always have–which pretty much translates to this adult reading like a kid-at-heart in the YA stuff.

  11. […] BTT asked: Do you read books “meant” for other age groups? Adult books when you were a child; Young-Adult books now that you’re grown; Picture books just for kicks … You know … books not “meant” for you. Or do you pretty much stick to what’s written for people your age? […]

  12. Fun question. I have even more eclectic tastes than I imagined when I first thought of the answer.

    Booking Through Thursday: Age Appropriate

  13. I read to suit my mood and taste. Here’s my answer: Age Appropriate Reading.

    Excellent theme this week!

  14. I’ve been every age up to 71, and I’m still able to enjoy them all. Here’s my response:

  15. I had a pretty strong response to this one. Read it here:

    BTT: Age-Appropriate

  16. Hope it’s not too late to join. Here is mine. 🙂

  17. I was just thinking this very thing a few days ago.

  18. I’m new to this hop and excited to meet a whole new range of bloggers!
    See what I said at…

  19. […] Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme in which we answer a question about books or reading. […]

  20. Sticking to my own group wouldn’t be interesting at all.

    Booking Through Thursday: Age-appropriate

  21. I read a little bit of everything! Here’s my answer:

    Great question! Thanks,


  22. Participating in Booking Through Thursday for the first time in years! Hope you’ll stop by and say hello:

  23. I really don’t pay much attention to this, mostly because I can enjoy any type of book. So here’s my answer:

  24. Not really. I’ll probably be reading YA books when I’m an adult though. I’m perfectly content in this genre!

    Thanks! Make sure to leave me a comment so I can check out your response.

  25. Mostly stick to my age group now because I only read literature.
    Full answer is posted.

  26. […] Booking Through Thursday asks: Do you read books “meant” for other age groups? Adult books when you were a child; Young-Adult books now that you’re grown; Picture books just for kicks … You know … books not “meant” for you. Or do you pretty much stick to what’s written for people your age? […]

  27. I originally said “no”. But after some consideration I realized that was a lie and changed it to “sometimes”.

  28. After Bloggers snafu, people who use it may have to repost their comments.
    My answer is now at
    instead of the original address.
    My apologies if you left a message yesterday, Blogger deleted them.

  29. I read whatever is interesting. If it’s good. It gets read. Even some of the books I prefer, can end up being a dud. So I try to keep an open mind. I love YA, and I read middle grade because I have kids. I like to know what they are reading and be able to discuss it with them.

  30. Although technically and legally an adult, I love YA and children’s books.