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If you’re like me, you grew up reading everything under the sun, like the cereal boxes while you ate your breakfast, the newspapers held by strangers on the subway, the tabloid headlines at the grocery store.

What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever read? (You know, something NOT a book, magazine, short story, poem or article.)

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!


47 responses

  1. This one took me awhile to remember. Check out my answer for this week’s Booking Through Thursday.

  2. Ah, reading, it’s a problem. :0) good question:

    BTT: Cereal

  3. Nice question! Wish I had a better answer:

    But it’s here.

  4. Easy peasy — answer here with a photo Burma Shave

  5. This was my first time here and it was fun! Look forward to the next one 🙂 Mine is here: http://www.notsuzyhomemaker.com/?p=2334

  6. This was a hard one. My answer is here

  7. OK I didn’t realize all the crazy stuff I read until I answered this question.

    Here’s my answer:

  8. […] Booking Through Thursday asks: What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever read? (You know, something NOT a book, magazine, short story, poem or article.) […]

  9. About 5 years ago, I came across a rant on Craigslist from a guy who critiqued all of his ex-girlfriends. There was somewhere around 20 of them.


  10. This one was tough since I’ve been known to read everything from license plates to the inserts that come with medication. Here it is: http://www.themusereviews.com/2011/03/booking-through-thursday-cereal-and.html

  11. Haha, this is so much fun!
    My answer is posted. 🙂

  12. Juli @ Can I Borrow Your Book?

    Here is my answer! Brought back many funny memories.


  13. My first thought was “the walls of my high school bathroom”, but I did a bit better:


  14. This was a little difficult but I did the best I could! http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com

  15. Hard question, to me, this week. My post’s up at http://comicreviewsbywalt.wordpress.com/2011/03/31/booking-through-thursday-cereal/.

    I’m sure I’ll feel like a bit of a fool when I realize I’m barking up a different tree than everyone else, but…so be it. Wrote my post prior to reading any responses here or others’ posts.

  16. Here is my late, and ridiculously unimaginative, answer!
