Would You Lie?

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Suggested by Monibo:

Saw this article (from March) and thought it would make a good BTT confessional question:

Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have you? Why? What book?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

70 responses

  1. Interesting!! 🙂

    these are my answer for 3 weeks

    BTT: 3 weeks in the row

  2. Here is mine, loved the question this week.

    The Book Confessional

    Happy BTT!

  3. About many things but not reading!

    BTT: Would You Lie?

  4. Oh hooray, a new question type! A good one too 🙂

    Booking Through Thursday – Would You Lie?

  5. My answer is up. Happy BTT everyone!

  6. There are more important things to lie about. 🙂

    Booking Through Thursday

  7. Thanks for the change of theme. 😉

    My answer is here:


  8. […] jumping back into one of my old favorite memes, Booking Through Thursday — and here’s our question: According to this article, two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have […]

  9. I had so much fun answering this one! 🙂 Because I totally told a fib… and it was in print, where it’s been immortalized forever!

    Of Hemingway, coffee and fibs

  10. […] Booking Through Thursday asks: Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have you? Why? What book? […]

  11. Well, I turn myself in. My Answer is up. 🙂

    Happy BTT everyone.

  12. I took a different twist with this. I’m in doubt that celebrities really read those classic novels that they are telling the world are their favorites.

    Do Celebrities Really Read Classic Literature:

  13. Guilty secrets revealed! I can’t wait to read everyone’s posts!

    Here’s mine: http://rosecityreader.blogspot.com/2009/10/pants-on-fire.html

  14. Good question – I thought I was a good girl until I thought back. It will definitely be interesting to read everyone’s post.

    Mine is here:


  15. Lies by omission are okay, right? Right?

  16. […] in BTT, etc at 9:40 am by alitareads Interesting question today for BTT: Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have you? Why? What […]

  17. Here’s my response. I’m glad to be back after the weeks of “recent” posts.

  18. Ha, ha… Yes, I have lied (for the purposes of getting through my English courses). My full answer is here.

  19. This was a tough one. I went more with a guilty pleasure since there aren’t really any books I would feel ashamed to admit reading. Anyway, below is my link at Bookworm Nation.


  20. I stopped by your blog to verify that you were still hosting your Thursday “theme day”.

    In case you aren’t sure why I would do that, please first go here: http://thehousethatlovebuilt.xanga.com/712911712/today–/

    and then read this one:

    I see that you still are, so I shall leave you on the lists 😀

    Cheryl B.

  21. OMG I would Soooooo get busted if I lied! I gasped when I read this question 🙂


  22. […] answer it I think it will explain why I haven’t felt drawn to answer the recent questions. So this week’s question is “Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have you? Why? What […]

  23. Great question, and one I seemed to really have a lot to say about! http://iknitalone.wordpress.com/2009/10/02/booking-through-thursday-100109-edition/

  24. I can’t wait to see how many people have or have not lied about books. Want to find out whether I have? Go check out my post 🙂


  25. Better late than never.. here’s my answer:

  26. Thanks for the link Deb!

    My answer is here: http://www.monniblog.com/2009/10/reading-lies/

    (P.S. my nickname is “monnibo” with two N’s)

  27. I thought no at first, but it turns out I actually have lied.
