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This week’s question is suggested by Kat:

I recently got new bookshelves for my room, and I’m just loving them. Spent the afternoon putting up my books and sharing it on my blog . One of my friends asked a question and I thought it would be a great BTT question. So from Tina & myself, we’d like to know “How do you arrange your books on your shelves? Is it by author, by genre, or you just put it where it falls on?”

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

133 responses

  1. My answer for this question? (And we may have covered something similar to this before.)

    My favorite books are in the bookcases in my bedroom–that’s an assortment.
    Dearly loved YA books and some reference books are in one half of my closet. All my knitting/spinning/sewing/craft books are in the other half (along with all my yarn.)
    All my cookbooks are downstairs in a roll-top desk near the kitchen.
    The closet in our home office is filled with all the mysteries and sci-fi/fantasy books. Also several cardboard boxes of miscellaneous books that I’m not that interested in but can’t quite part with.
    In the office itself, I’ve got 2 tall bookcases filled with trade-sized fiction, essays, dictionaries, and books on writing.
    On the other side of the office, I’ve got 2 tall bookcases filled with non-fiction: history, science, travel, biography–as well as a handful of children’s picture books from when my niece and nephew were little.
    There’s also a short, 3-shelf bookcase filled with mass-market paperback fiction.
    Under the table in the office are 5 “under-the-bed” boxes filled with YA books, like my Trixie Belden collection, my Little House books, A Wrinkle in Time, the series of horse stories, all those.
    The linen closet in the hallway holds odds-and-ends–college textbooks and books that just don’t fit into any other category.

    All the fiction is sorted by size and then by author. All the non-fiction is sorted by category.

  2. My books were organized by author (A to Z of course) in my old apartment. (There’s some pretty cool pictures of my books and old room, which you might like.) But in my new place, everything is spread out all over the place, with no organization whatsoever. I don’t know really which I prefer, but with the new method of disorganization, I come across interesting books I haven’t read yet more often!

  3. hey all!!

    here it is:

    happy booking.

  4. Hi Everyone ( and Deb ) ! I hope you have a gret BTTs and nice Thursday!

    Here Mine!

  5. Wow! It’s my question! I totally forgot about this haha. By the way, that blog the link goes to is no longer up. You can check out my new blog here and the answer to this week’s BTT over here. Cheers!

  6. Morning Everyone!

    Here’s mine, hope you all have a lovely day!

  7. […] Somehow I don’t like this question. Not because it isn’t nice, but because I don’t exactly have shelf’s that I can show off. I have a post up on my blog on shelf-cleaning and I had said that I can now accommodate at least 40 more books in. At that time it made me really happy, but I didn’t realize how quickly the space will be occupied. Now I don’t have any space left. I’ll have to put some books above the arrangement but somehow I don’t like doing that.   […]

  8. Good question. I don’t really have much organisation though! mine is HERE

  9. Oooh, thanks for the mention, Kat! =)

    Here’s my entry for this week: 🙂

  10. It’s been awhile. Mine’s up! Storage is a problem.

  11. I like this week’s question and my answer will show how fickle-minded I am with regards to storage. 🙂

  12. What a fun question…and may I say, LUCKY YOU!!; I wish I was putting books away on MY new shelves!!

    Anyway, my answer is up, such as it is.

    Lookin’ forward to reading others responses to this one; sort of a “personal” thing for booklovers, isn’t it?!

    Hope you ALL have a fabulous weekend ahead!

  13. I’ve answered this here, in the 3rd paragraph. I switch it up. Sometimes strictly by author, sometimes by genre, sometimes by subject. Every few years my books go through a mass reorganization.

  14. Here is mine

  15. My post is up. Happy BTT everyone!

  16. The fact that my roommates tend to ruin whatever system I make aside, I tend to organize into groups and then (depending on section type) further within that section. (There is more at my blog ‘Litty Ramblings’)

  17. I have done mine… one question though where do people have their TBRs in their rooms studys where?

    My storage blog is here…

  18. My answer:


    Happy BTT!

  19. I’m actually in the process of reorganizing all of my bookshelves, going from complete chaos to shelving by genre and, within genres, alphabetically by author. See some of my progress (with pictures) here:

  20. […] 19, 2009 in BTT, books, meme, nonfiction This week’s Booking Through Thursday question is: How do you arrange your books on your shelves? Is it by author, by genre, or you just […]


    Mine! And I have pictures… lots and lots of pictures of my “storage” ^_^

  22. I wasn’t originally going to answer, since the short answer would be “by subject.” But Sally’s and Janet’s answers caused me to elaborate. 🙂

    Here’s mine:

  23. I organize by size. My answer is here

  24. Oops this one should work better than the one above

    Booking Through Thursday #23

  25. I devolved into a rant as to why the Kindle rocks, but my answer is at

  26. Here’s my post! Complete with a few pictures. This was a great question!!

  27. Hi!
    That’s a really good question this week. There are probably lots of ways to store books. It’ll be interesting seeing everyone’s system. Mine is posted. Have a great day!!


  28. I’m interested in reading everyone’s responses to this one. My answer is here.

  29. My answer, rather. Looong day, these Thursdays!

  30. I just wrote a post that talked about how I rearranged by books, so I’ll just use that!

  31. Mine Is Up 🙂
    Don’t Forget To Check Out My Book Giveaway!

  32. […] organize or not to organize? Posted on February 19, 2009 by twistyfarmy Booking Through Thursday for today: How do you arrange your books on your shelves? Is it by author, by genre, or you just […]

  33. We’re very organized and we have way more than I realized. Here’s mine:

  34. […] February 19, 2009 Booking Through Thursday: Storing books Posted by Megan under book talk | Tags: books, bookshelves, Jane Austen, organization, storage |   Let’s go Booking Through Thursday! […]

  35. I’m up! Somehow I got distracted this morning and forgot about BTT… oh, the horror!

  36. I kept getting interrupted, but I finally posted mine!

  37. I sort mine by genre. Pocket paperbacks are their own shelf and since they are mostly fiction are just put where they fall

  38. Great question. Made me really realize how much work I need to do with my books. Here’s mine:

  39. My system is too convoluted for its own good.

  40. Oops, almost forgot to post the link to my admission of anal retentiveness.

  41. I arrange mine by genre … then author.

    I played too 🙂

  42. […] week’s Booking Through Thursday question comes from : I recently got new bookshelves for my room, and I’m just loving them. Spent […]

  43. Reeeeally late, but here is my post!

    I’ve no problems organizing my bookshelf, since I don’t own many. My music CD collection, however, is a whole ‘nuther story…!

  44. Booking Through Thursday on Friday – I should probably straighten out my books a bit :-).

  45. My answer here:

    Short answer: Books are stored where my life leads them.

  46. I guess I do it by what looks the best, by size and color,like putting a bigger one next to a few smaller ones.

  47. No Booking Through this Thursday? alas!