School days, Golden Rule days….

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Since school is out for the summer (in most places, at least), here’s a school-themed question for the week:

  1. Do you have any old school books? Did you keep yours from college? Old textbooks from garage sales? Old workbooks from classes gone by?
  2. How about your old notes, exams, papers? Do you save them? Or have they long since gone to the great Locker-in-the-sky?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

75 responses

  1. Hi Deb and everyone! I hope you have a good Thursday 🙂 Here Mine BTT!


  2. Hi all! You can view my answers by clicking on my name, or you can go directly here. Happy BTT!

  3. Here’s my BTT! (I’m a first-timer! LOL. :-P)

  4. Mine’s up (considerably earlier than last week!)

    BTT – School days…

  5. […] Booking Through Thursday […]

    As requested, full answers here:

    Since school is out for the summer (in most places, at least), here’s a school-themed question for the week:

    1. Do you have any old school books? Did you keep yours from college? Old textbooks from garage sales? Old workbooks from classes gone by?

    One or two textbooks from high school, a number of textbooks from university. I don’t buy textbooks any more. No workbooks that I know of.

    2. How about your old notes, exams, papers? Do you save them? Or have they long since gone to the great Locker-in-the-sky?

    I think that I got rid of the last of my notebooks in our last tidy-up of the basement. After all, I hadn’t looked at them in years. Had kept a few of my notebooks from university, none from school days.

  7. I’m up! Happy BTT everyone!

  8. Great questions! Mine are up!

  9. Short answer: no school books, but some college texts. Slightly longer answer:


  10. Mine is here.

    Happy Reading and Happy Thursday!!!

  11. Here’s mine:

    And here’s my answer:
    Do you have any old school books? Did you keep yours from college? Old textbooks from garage sales? Old workbooks from classes gone by?

    I have all of my old school books from college; I even have a few novels from high school lit classes that I probably shouldn’t.

    How about your old notes, exams, papers? Do you save them? Or have they long since gone to the great Locker-in-the-sky?

    I do still have all my old notebooks, exams, and papers from classes that I really loved, and those that were for subjects I majored in. I have a lot of history, philosophy and lit papers in crates. I contemplate going through and getting rid of the notebooks, but you never know if you’ll need them.

  12. […] 21st, 2007 · No Comments Booking Through Thursday […]

  13. My answer is here:

    I also have a suggestion for a future BTT, if you’d like to consider it (if not, that’s fine, too. 🙂 ), something I have wrestled with: how do you retain what you have read in non-fiction books? There are some I have read 2 and 3 times and understand more each time, but don’t feel like I really have a grasp of the whole book, even with underlining important passages and making notes.

  14. My digression-filled answer is here.

  15. Wow I’m on time! lol

    1. Yes, I did keep several of my college textbooks, mostly tech writing-related ones that I thought might be useful when/if I got a writing job (and they have). I also kept some poetry textbooks, for the exercises and poems, and a dictionary of poetic terms. I kept a few others just because I liked the class and the books were interesting. I also have a few textbooks I bought used, just because.
    2. For the same reasons, I kept much of my notes from various college classes. Granted I don’t really look at them, lol, but I thought they were worth keeping.

  16. this is a lovely (meme) blog. i put up my answers here:

  17. My answer:
    Heh, heh! For me school’s not out just for the summer, but forever! (frolicks on the fields)
    1, Nope. Uhh, my country doesn’t have collages, but if you mean university we didn’t have much in the way of actual textbooks. What little we had, such as French, I still do. However, I still have most of the textbooks from my horticultural vocational school. Or rather, my parents still have them.

    2, Since I graduated with an MA a week ago, I still have most of the notes. I’ve lost some during the two moves I’ve had during my eight years in the uni. It’s likely that I’ll throw them out before the next move unless I’d need them first. There might be some stuff in the translation class papers that I might need.

  18. I have quite some books, notes, exams and papers left.
    My more detailed answer is here:

  19. Good Afternoon All! My entry is up. I’m a life-long English major. Want to guess my answer? LOL.


  20. Okay you can find my answer here

  21. Nice website! Needed a meme, glad I found a good one.

    My short answers: Yes and Possibly. Longer answers:

  22. Happy Thursday! The short answer to both questions is “no” – if you want to know more, it’s here:

  23. […] Booking through Thursday: Since school is out for the summer (in most places, at least), here’s a school-themed question […]

  24. My responses are posted here.

    The short version: nothing from high school or college, but everything from grad school.

  25. Mines up. Happy BTT to all.

  26. It’s wonderful how many people are participating in this meme. Mine are posted at:

  27. Hey guys,

    I did this week’s question with my friends on my team book blog, you can read it here: Book Binge but I must apologize, I can’t blog hop today as I’m getting ready to leave for my niece’s graduation and then after that I’m going to see Elliot Yamin in concert at the House of Blues (YAY) but I promise I will be blog hopping tomorrow so I’ll hit all of you guys up tomorrow with comments! =)

    Happy Thursday and Happy Reading!


  28. Here’s mine, the very short and ungrammatical post of it….

    Barbara’s got an interesting question for BTT.

  29. Hi, this is my first time participating, and my response is at

    (I hope I did this correctly!)

  30. Hi! I’m late this week, but anyway here’s mine!

    Happy BTT!

  31. I haven’t been by in a few weeks but here is mine.

  32. Hi everyone! I’m late, but anyway
    here’s mine!

    Happy BTT!

  33. Static8: Booking I kept a couple college books…

  34. Mine is up:

    The short answer is yes; I have TONS of textbooks.

  35. As usual…a day late…but it is posted. This was a very timely one as I just sold the majority of my old texts (and some new) at a my garage sale a few weeks ago.

  36. Mine is up – and yes I have kept a few history texts 🙂

  37. […] Booking through Thursday asks the following this week: Since school is out for the summer (in most places, at least), here’s a school-themed question for the week: […]

  38. I have all of my social work books still.