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What’s the scariest book you’ve ever read?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

12 responses

  1. The Shining by Stephen King is probably one of the scariest I’ve read in a long time. I can remember thinking the Woman in Black by Susan Hill was pretty creepy too 🙂

  2. I don’t read scary books. Simple as that.

  3. I don’t particularly like “scary” books… though what I find scary might not be what others find scary.

  4. I haven’t done one of these in forever, but it seemed appropriate (and I see from other responses that I’m not alone in my choice)

  5. I only tolerate scary if it’s Lish McBride!

    Booking Through Thursday: Scary