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What’s your favorite genre that other people might not read? I mean, mysteries, romances, real-crime … these are all fairly widespread categories. But real readers don’t usually limit themselves to just the “big” genres … so what’s your favorite little-known type of book? Books on dogs? Knitting books? Stories about the space race? Mathematical theory?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

14 responses

  1. I read books on urban planning (Geography of Nowhere, Walkable City, Surbuban Nation…) because I loved playing SimCity as a child and teenager. I’d play it now if the older games didn’t crash on newer systems so often!

  2. Ah, I put your blog’s link instead of mine >_< Here is mine:

  3. I read aviation books. My full answer is posted on my blog.

  4. Mine is already teased in my blog’s tagline!

    Booking Through Thursday: Obscure

  5. A little late. Here’s mine.