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All other things being equal, what is your favorite format for reading? Hardcover? Paperback? New book? Old book? Leather-bound first edition? E-book?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

20 responses

  1. The perfect book is hefty in the hand, with a thick leather cover and a delicaltely-engraved title. The pages are sturdy, and the edges have a texture fit for turning. The inside is a wonder, with too many smells to name — old ink, a score of thoughtful owners, long residence in smoke-filled libraries, who knows? — and gorgeous, artful plates.

  2. It feels like forever since I participated in this! In actuality it’s been a month, but I’m thinking of going back through the archives and unofficially answering some questions since I want to prepare some more posts to schedule while my relatives are visiting.

    ANYWAY, here is my response! 😀