Neither a Borrower…

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I’ve asked before how you feel about lending your books. I’ve asked how you feel about libraries. But—how do you feel about borrowing books from friends? Is this something you like to do? Does it make you feel uncomfortable or rushed while reading? Does it affect how you feel about the book you’re reading, pressured into liking it?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

21 responses

  1. My reading isn’t limited to novels, but borrowing pressures me to finish faster.

  2. I don’t typically borrow books from friends because I already have too many book of my own waiting to be read!

  3. Michelle McCartney

    love the library. I love the enthusiasm of the librarians and the book club run there. It stretches me to read stuff I’d never thought of or even might shyed away from. Good to meet with other enthusiasts as non – readers just don’t get the buzz, betimes. At the moment I am reading Lorna Doone . It is hard going, but worth it.
    Borrowing books I do not do. Feel terrible pressured into liking the book or to even reading it at all. Takes away all that lovely joy of me finding treasures, that I get in a charity shop or a bookshop. If someone rants on about a book I may look out for it but in a weird way I kind of like to have the book ‘find me’.

  4. My full answer is posted on the blog.

  5. You can check out my reply HERE

  6. I don’t mind borrowing a book from a friend as long as they aren’t in a big hurry to get it back. This looks like a fun meme and I will make a note so I don’t forget next Thursday to get a post wrote up!

  7. This is one of my favorite BTT questions so far! (I combined this week and last week into one post.)

    Booking Through Thursday: Tragedy, Comedy, and Borrowing