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How often do you visit a library? Do you go to borrow books? Do research? Check out the multi-media center? Hang out with the friendly and knowledgeable staff? Are you there out of love or out of need?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

41 responses

  1. I’m just joining this meme. Thanks, it’s a fun little thing to do! Check out my response!

  2. I don’t take part in Book Through Thursday but I love going to the library. I find it really useful because I want to read so many books and I just can’t afford them all however I am known for ending up discovering new books at the library and then neglecting my already ridiculously sized to-read pile. Although I go because its useful it’s also jut because I love to be there. I have been going of all my life and I just love being surrounded by so many books. I also one now a few of the staff and this makes the visit more enjoyable too.

  3. I’ve been thinking about libraries a lot lately…here’s MY BTT POST

  4. I love libraries. Here’s my answer. Happy reading!

  5. Libraries are pretty important to the community, where I’m from. Here’s my answer!

  6. I don’t use the library as much after I graduated:

  7. I absolutely adore my library! I don’t know what I’d do without it! 🙂 My full answer:

  8. I only go to the library to see what’s latest on the book shelf. My full answer is posted on my blog.

  9. I like libraries, so I liked this question. My answer is HERE.