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Not the kind of “love” question you’re expecting for Valentine’s Day. No, what I want to know is:

What do you love most about reading?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

And also–don’t forget, folks–sometimes WordPress’s spam filter seems to decide that a lot of perfectly valid answers are spam. I periodically check throughout the day for lost comments. But, PLEASE–if your comment doesn’t show, don’t post it four more times in the hopes that one of them will go through. I get very, very tired trying to sort out the duplicates (grin).

33 responses

  1. Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s mine!

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    My answer is here:

  3. My love of reading has filled a lifetime…and here’s MY BTT POST

  4. Hello! Here’s my answer. Happy reading, everyone!

  5. Decent question for Valentine’s Day. My answer is HERE.

  6. Lovely question! here’s my answer

  7. BTT – Love. What do you love about reading?

  8. An easy question for me, as I’ve given this some thought over the years.