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It’s the depth of winter here where I live right now … what books do you like to read when it’s snowy and white? What books do you read to evoke a real feeling of winter (good or bad)?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

35 responses

  1. When it’s really cold there’s only one type:

  2. Definitely snowy and white here! Keep warm, everyone! 🙂 Here’s my BTT:

  3. Is it summer yet? hehe Here’s my BTT

  4. This time of year is when I tend to read more homemaking and organization books.. To see my favorites from last year, and what I am planning to read this year, go here:

  5. Oh that is so unfair. I live in FL and it’s in it’s 70s today. I don’t have the luxury of a winter or snow. 😉


  6. Interesting question. My answer is HERE.

  7. I live in San Antonio but right now it is cold (for us) and I like to curl up with a good book.

  8. Interesting question. I generally alternate the types of books I read. I follow something heavy with a funny piece of chick lit. But when I thought of winter, one book came to mind:

  9. Love this question, even though my answer’s a bit general! Thanks for hosting! Here’s my link:
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  10. Hello! Answer. Have a good weekend!

  11. Happy Thursday, everyone! This question is making me chilly. Here’s my answer:

  12. Snow and several degrees below zero (centigrade) here in the Netherlands, so a very appropriate question!
    Have a good weekend, and here is my answer:

  13. These were tough questions! Especially because I don’t particularly read by the season. Here’s my response:

  14. Here is mine:) it was pretty difficult to come up with something. I don’t read by season, I just read. Sorry it’s a tad short.

  15. The Nerdy Reader

    Great question! And perfect for what I’m reading right now: