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It’s my Dad’s birthday today, which makes me wonder … do you like to give books as gifts?

I’m usually torn. I love giving and sharing books, but it can be hard. The giftee can be difficult to please, or you don’t know what they’ve read (or what they thought of books they have read). Even people who love to read and love to get books can be hard to gift books to … so, does that make you pause and reach for the neckties or DVDs or sweaters … anything BUT a book at gift-giving time? How do you feel about getting books yourself? Are you picky or easy? (For the record, I’m told I’m VERY hard to buy for, even though I’ll read just about anything … go figure.

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

38 responses

  1. Answer! This is rare because I’m first for once (late night and all). Happy reading everyone!

  2. Congratulations! Hope you and your family have a great day!! And thanks for hosting!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  3. I usually give a gift card for books, like to Amazon, because I don’t know the person’s tastes in books nor what they’ve read already. I have given books, but they haven’t gone over well. Granted, they were self-help books, a little passive-aggressive on my part. But a gift card is better than a tie or a sweater, at least I would like it better. But then i read.

  4. I’ve been told that I am hard to shop for as well but generally I like giving and receiving books as gifts. Admittedly, I know it can be tough without knowing the reading tastes of the other person, and there is room for error. But, if I know what they want then it makes shopping easy and sometimes I find that if the receiving end is a book person, they will appreciate the suggestion if I buy them something that I think comes well recommended. 🙂 happy birthday to your dad!


  5. Today is my sons 5th birthday. 🙂 Happy Birthday to your Dad!!!

    Check out my Booking Through Thursday
    Melissa @Spews of My Views

  6. What a great question! I answered it at Basically, not really!

  7. Happy Birthday to your Dad!
    You can see my response here:

    Booking Through Thursday – Gifts

  8. Great question! Happy Birthday to your dad too! What book(s) did you end up buying him? Here’s my answer with some tips if you’re still undecided! 🙂

  9. I almost didn’t make it today! Here’s MY BTT POST

  10. Such a subjective question! After thinking about it, I figured out I’m not so into giving books, lol.

  11. Tough question. Made me think! Here’s my response:

    Happy birthday to your dad!

  12. Happy Birthday to Dad!

    January 10, Peace in Every Step

    You’ll need to scroll down to the bottom of the post to find my answer.

  13. Nice question. I’m a bit late in getting my post written this week, but here it is.

  14. I love giving books – but I usually know what type they like or have asked what they want. My husband and I make amazon wish lists, so people can just pick from that online if they want to get something they KNOW I want. Happy birthday dad!

  15. I love giving and receiving books.

  16. This Christmas all my friends received a book as a gift. Lol, it wasnt thus planned as such, i prefer giving them gift cards where they can choose own books or cds, but this Christmas past i felt they all needed some inspiration/cheer/pick me up, and they all loved the beautiful books