In Public

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Do you carry books with you when you’re out and about in the world?

And, do you ever try to hide the covers?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

69 responses

  1. […] you go out? Have you or would you hide their covers? Don’t forget to share your lists and visit BTT if you want to […]

  2. I love reading, but don’t really tend to read in public, not because I wouldn’t, just because it never seems to fit in to my schedule. I don’t hide books though, I’m proud to be a reader. I do read sometimes on the phone now, although I miss the smell of books!

  3. There are some books I’m embarrased to be seen reading in public but most of the time it doesn’t bother me. I don’t mind strangers seeing me read chick lit but I cringe at the thought of my friends catching me!

    I wrote a post about being embarrased by books here:

  4. No need to hide these books! Proud reading, even outside! Here’s my BTT today.

  5. Doesn’t everybody?!

    Trish – my BTT post

  6. Awesome question. I seriously don’t think anyone that I know doesn’t try hiding book covers!

    Mine’s here:

  7. I am not embarrassed! Here is my answer

  8. Here’s mine.
    Off to read other answers.
    Anticipating that most of us will say “yes! I bring a book everywhere!”

  9. This is my first time participating in this meme and I plan on doing it again. Great questions! Here is my response:

  10. Hi! This is the first I’ve seen Booking through Thursday! Great fun! Here’s my answer

  11. Yes, I do. If you want to knwo why, please check out my full answer for this week’s Booking Through Thursday.

  12. Oh, there is never a time when I don’t have a book in my bag. 🙂

  13. […] Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme in which we answer a question about books or reading. […]

  14. Here’s my answer:

    Speaking to a book-blogging community, I can’t imagine who would say no to always having a book on hand.

  15. I’m guessing there are mostly yes responses to the first question! It will be fun to read the responses to see the variations of the affirmative. 🙂

  16. I’m ALWAYS with a book. My full answer is up.

  17. Books are like air. I need them to make it from one moment to the next.

    Here’s my answer!

    Booking Through Thursday

  18. I take ALL my books with me… on my ereader. It’s so simple and easy. Now I don’t have to stuff my backpack full with paperbacks. What convenience! What brilliance. Ebooks all the way!