Good or Bad

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Suggested by Barbara:

I’ve seen many bloggers say that what draws them to certain books or authors is good writing, and what causes them to stop reading a certain book or author is bad writing. What constitutes good writing and bad writing to you?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

42 responses

  1. Here’s mine. I’m weird. Hope this makes sense….;O)

    Booking Through Thursday: The Write Stuff

  2. This was a challenging one to put into words. Here’s my answer.

  3. Good question!! Here is my response for BTT

  4. Great question!
    Here’s my response:

  5. Interesting question.
    Here is my answer

  6. It’s a given that anything that ends up in my ends and is spelled wrong or gramatically incorrect is going to make me cynical. But anything that doesn’t hook me or seems contrived is considered “bad writing” to me, for sure.

    Stop by The Crowded Leaf to see my What Were They Thinking?! post of the week!

  7. Had to think about this one a bit before I answered…


  8. Good quesiton.

    Here is my Booking Through Thursday answer.

  9. After a mug of coffee, I came up with this…

  10. Here is mine:

    Booking Through Thursday

    I had a hard time with this one. I’m interested in what other people have to say.

  11. I had a lot to say on this subject. Seriously.
    Check it out: Reading the Paranormal

  12. Here is my answer:

    I’m really looking forward to getting around to the other answers today, as I had a hard time formulating an answer.

  13. Mine’s here:

    With mentions of: Angelology, Artemis Fowl, Lord of the Rings, Twilight and Terry Pratchett!

  14. My answer is kind of long. You can read it here.

  15. Right off the bat, good writing doesn’t necessarily make a good book. MY full thought is posted.

  16. I had to keep myself from talking about the fact that “good” vs “bad writing doesn’t always influence my decision to stick with or abandon a book! 🙂 My response here

  17. Better late than ever, I suppose.;) Here’s mine:

  18. […] immoral book. Books are simply well written or badly written. That is all.” This week’s Booking Through Thursday prompt asks about good and bad […]

  19. […] Booking Through Thursday asks, I’ve seen many bloggers say that what draws them to certain books or authors is good writing, and what causes them to stop reading a certain book or author is bad writing. What constitutes good writing and bad writing to you? […]

  20. good questions but can be a bit subjective. See full response at :

    Booking Through Thursday: Borrowing etc.