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What are you reading right now? What made you choose it? Are you enjoying it? Would you recommend it? (And, by all means, discuss everything, if you’re reading more than one thing!)

(I’ve asked this one before, but, well, it’s not like the answers stay the same, and darn it, it’s an interesting question!)

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

78 responses

  1. Here’s my post this week! I’m reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and I also took the time to talk about the current issues around it with my BTT post. 🙂

  2. Yey. BTT again. Here’s MINE

  3. I’m just going to quickly write about them here if it’s ok.

    Let’s see, I finished all three Hunger Games books even thought the discussion at my book club tonight is technically just for the first one.

    I’m an elementary school librarian and we have a “Reader’s Rally” challenge, so I’m reading all twenty of those books. Just finished 100 Cupboards and started A Cricket in Times Square for that.

    I’m reading How to Train Your Dragon to my daughter at her bedtime.

    I’m reading Susan Jacoby’s Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism for myself. I’ve had it for a while, but a recent rousing speech I heard from Sean Faircloth got me all riled up to finally read it. It’s great so far!

    Have a good week everyone!


  4. I don’t feel like writing in my blog at the moment, but I like this question…so I’ll write my answer here 🙂

    I’m currently reading Shadow Family by Miyuki Miyabe. There are 2 reasons for reading this book, I like miyuki miyabe since reading Crossfire and I need to read my 3rd book for Japanese Literature Challenge.

  5. Great question, especially since I wasn’t participating when this was asked previously!

    Here’s my answer.

  6. Here is my answer. I am currently reading Firelight by Sophie Jordan.

  7. Great question (particularly because I’ve been telling everyone I know about my current read). 🙂

  8. I love this question! …Like you said, the answers to it change all the time, so there’s no reason why you can’t repeat it! 😉

    My answer:


  9. Here’s my current read list.

  10. Can fan fic readers play, too? If so:

    If not, you might want to ignore that link.

  11. I’m glad I finally have a chance to do this! Here’s my response!!

  12. I always see this kind of question when I’m between books!
    My answer

  13. Always look forward to this, here’s mine…

  14. […] haven’t done a Booking Through Thursday prompt in eons, mostly because they haven’t really appealed. Today’s […]

  15. A great question…kind of a classic really.

    Here’s what I’m reading:

    Booking Through Thursday — What Are You Reading?

  16. Here’s my answer:


  17. I’m reading The Magician’s House by William Corlett, which also triggered me to comparisons with some other children’s fantasy books.

  18. I’m reading a brilliant YA book Angel by L.A. Weatherly. To learn more about Angel or read my answer visit my blog here

  19. Always a good question! Here’s my answer:

  20. Always a great questions since the answer is never the same!

    Here is mine:

  21. Good question – and here is my reply


    I’ve got two books I’m “reading from”, and two books I’m reading properly.

  23. Just answering here rather than my blog this time. I am reading Her Daughter’s Dream by Francine Rivers because it is the sequel to a book I loved titled her Mother’s Hope. I am also reading Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper because I enjoy biographies.

  24. I’m current reading older works of authors who are long- or shortlisted for Booker Prize this year. My full answer is posted.

  25. […] This week’s Booking Through Thursday asks readers what they’re currently reading and what they think of it. I posted a reading update just a few days ago, and nothing has really changed since my update. I’m still reading The Heretic’s Daughter, The House of Seven Gables, and Great Expectations. I haven’t started Jamaica Inn on audio yet. […]

  26. I’m reading Darcy’s Voyage by Kara Louise.

  27. I’m currently reading Kiran Desai’s ‘The Inheritance of Loss’

    The Inheritance of Loss

  28. I am currently reading two books, The Pillars of the Earth and Emotional Intelligence: Why it can Matter more than IQ. My full answer is posted @

  29. Hi, all! I’m new to the Booking Through Thursday meme! Here’s this week’s answer:

  30. Any fantasy fans here? 🙂 I’m on a Guy Gavriel Kay marathon, and I’ve just finished rereading my favorite, Tigana. Here’s my post:

  31. I posted my entry yesterday, but didn’t remember to post a link to it here! And, having finished a book on the way home last night, my answer would be different if I were posting a reply today!