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Suggested by Clare:

Do you ever listen to book-related podcasts?

If so, which ones and why? (Include the URLs for people who aren’t familiar with them.)

Or, of course, there’s the flip side … did you even know that such a thing existed? (I ask because I know a lot of people who have no idea what a podcast is.)

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

39 responses

  1. No, and yes. I.e. I don’t listen to book-related
    podcasts but I know what a podcast is. I did listen
    to one related to the Harry Potter books once, by link
    from a discussion forum. I’ve also listened to some
    pod-casts not book-related.

    Too short an answer to bother making a blog post
    of my own about it this week 😉


  2. Great question! I have been looking for good book pod cast on english, excited to read the other replies.

  3. I can never seem to get my subcriptions to work correctly…but I’ve found and listened to a few. Mostly, I’ve heard about them on Twitter and signed on!

  4. This is a great question! I hope I find out about some new podcasts from it. My answer is here http://www.englishmajorjunkfood.com/2010/07/book-podcasts.html

  5. This is almost unfair since I contribute a lot of Farpoint Media and their family of podcasts…..

    Booking Through Thursday — Podcasts

  6. Short answer: not really, but if you’ve got any recommendations for super-short ones, I will give them a go!

  7. greeeat question! check out my answer.



  8. This is a great question. Many people don’t even know what a podcast is. Here’s my answer.

  9. Just answering here rather than the blog today because the short answer is — no. I don’t have an ipod or laptop to listen to them with, and I don’t want to sit at my computer and listen to them. If I ever get something mobile to listen to them with, I might.

  10. Here’s mine: http://pagesandpast.blogspot.com/2010/07/booking-through-thursday-podcasts.html

    I’m looking forward to finding more book podcasts to listen to!

  11. Here’s my answer in which I snarkily analogize book-related podcasts to S&M: http://www.bookishnose.com/2010/07/book-related-podcasts/

  12. This question triggered a post about childhood summers and radio, and how those memories link to romance-related podcasts, including Jane Austen and Deanna Raybourn 🙂


  13. I rarely listen to audio books but I do listen to a weekly podcast.
    My BTT answer is up. 🙂

  14. Although my work is on the Internet, I still don’t know what a podcast is, but if I listened to one, it would probably be Ricky Gervais.