Why Buy?

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I’ve asked, in the past, about whether you more often buy your books, or get them from libraries. What I want to know today, is, WHY BUY?

Even if you are a die-hard fan of the public library system, I’m betting you have at least ONE permanent resident of your bookshelves in your house. I’m betting that no real book-lover can go through life without owning at least one book. So … why that one? What made you buy the books that you actually own, even though your usual preference is to borrow and return them?

If you usually buy your books, tell me why. Why buy instead of borrow? Why shell out your hard-earned dollars for something you could get for free?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

And also–don’t forget, folks–sometimes WordPress’s spam filter seems to decide that a lot of perfectly valid answers are spam. I periodically check throughout the day for lost comments. But, PLEASE–if your comment doesn’t show, don’t post it four more times in the hopes that one of them will go through. I get very, very tired trying to sort out the duplicates.

Especially since AKISMET has been letting a LOT of spam through, the last few days, while stopping “good” comments. If your comment doesn’t post right away, PLEASE BE PATIENT!

168 responses

  1. It’s my first answer!!! Finally, I did it!

    Just a simple one but quite honest.. 🙂


  2. Buy or borrow? Great question. Now let’s see if WordPress likes me or not. Here’s my answer:


  3. […] Deb’s question today is about whether you more often buy your books, or get them from libraries.  WHY BUY? […]

  4. Here’s my answer. It’s simple really!

  5. […] out on taking part in last week’s Booking Through Thursday meme but returning to take part in this week’s one, I find that Deb asks the interesting question: If you usually buy your books, tell me why. Why buy […]

  6. Hi everyone ( Hi Deb!) Hope everyone have a Happy Booking Through Thursday

    Here Mine!

  7. My post is here:


    Thanks for the question!

  8. Mine’s up!

    Happy Thursday! 🙂

  9. Good question to ponder.

    Mine is Here.

  10. I have lots of answers to this question here!

  11. Pretty straightforward for me. You can read it here. 🙂

  12. Booking Through Thursday: Why Buy?

    My answer is wordy, but it about sums it up. ;P

  13. Mine’s up!


    Been waiting for this since early today! (Im GMT+8 hehe)

  14. My post is up. I look forward to reading all of yours.

  15. I give a public answer at http://kehinde.com/blog/?p=719, but really, it’s to hide the yarn stash. 🙂

  16. Here’s my response. Interesting question!

  17. Love this question! And with our economy the way it is, a very timely one!
    Here is mine:

  18. Good question! Here is my answer.

  19. My post is up.
    Carol’s Notebook

  20. Hi…. Thanks for the question about buying/borrowing books. Come by and visit….


  21. I am kind of a mixture! Here’s my post.

  22. […] I’ve just come across a site called Booking Through Thursday, a weekly book-related meme. Just for fun, I thought I’d try it. Here’s this week’s question: […]

  23. I’m new! Here’s my post:

    Booking Through Thursday: Why Buy?

  24. Works well with the new “Buy Books for the Holidays” campaign! (linked in my post)


  25. Owning books is one of the great pleasures of my existence. My entry is here:


  26. Really, can you have too many books? I don’t think so!

  27. […] 13, 2008 in BTT, books, internet, library, meme, reading This week’s Booking Through Thursday question is: Even if you are a die-hard fan of the public library system, I’m betting you have at […]

  28. Mines here

    All I know is that I should really read all my unread books first

  29. Here is mine…

    <a href=”http://passagestothepast.blogspot.com/2008/11/booking-through-thursdaywhy-buy.html”

  30. Sorry,

    Did the link wrong.

    <a href=”http://passagestothepast.blogspot.com/2008/11/booking-through-thursdaywhy-buy.html “

  31. I definitely own.
    #1 I’ve always wanted a huge library. There is just something about a room filled with books that seems cozy and homey to me. I want that in my house.
    #2 I am TERRIBLE at returning books to the library on time. I always have fines at my local library. With out fail, if I go get it from the library, I have an extra busy month and I don’t get it read as quickly as usual. Or my children spill something on it, or something happens. So I much prefer to own it, read it when I can, and not stress about getting it back to the library in perfect condition.

  32. Mine is here. Happy BTT everyone. 🙂

  33. […] This weeks Booking Through Thursday asks: Why Buy? If you usually buy your books, tell me why. Why buy instead of borrow? Why shell out your hard-earned dollars for something you could get for free? […]

  34. Wow, a lot of responses this week. I’m in with 4 reasons, plus a question of my own:


  35. What do fish and chips and coke have to do with my answer?

    Find out here!

  36. Here’s my first ‘Booking Through Thursday” post. 🙂

  37. A tad late, but mine is up now http://risforreading.blogspot.com/2008/11/booking-through-thursday-why-buy.html

    I can’t wait to check out everyone elses answers.

  38. My response is finally up. Work just keeps getting in the way

  39. Nearly missed this one.

    Here’s mine:

    Why Buy?

  40. Wow, this was popular today…

  41. I buy my books for many reasons. When I was younger I usually read (and reread) favorite books a number of times. I still do occasionally

  42. […] Through Thursday: “Why buy?” Booking Through Thursday I’ve asked, in the past, about whether you more often buy your books, or get them from libraries. […]

  43. […] week’s Booking Through Thursday on (gasp!) Thursday: I’ve asked, in the past, about whether you more often buy your books, or get […]

  44. Here’s my really long answer that sort of just dances around the question!


  45. Well, here’s my reply – and it’s a long one this time. LOL


  46. I almost forgot about Booking Through Thursday this week. Here’s my rather late post:


  47. Here’s mine:

    Why Buy?

  48. Booking Through Thursday on Friday. A fun question for this unrepentant book-buyer to answer!

  49. Here’s my contribution! — Buying My Soul a Book At a Time.

  50. I’m a little late but better late than never. Here’s my answer.

  51. 155 responses – WOW. Congratulations – not only to the blog operator but to all the booklovers who care so much!
    As a books store operator I appreciate all who responded for keeping books in circulation which would otherwise would have been lost to landfills.
    Most of the more than 250,000 books we bought last year came into our stores by people who couldn’t bear to think of them as garbage – unfortunately we probably turned away 3 million or so books, books people would gladly have donated, in order to keep from being buried in books.

    Last year I bought more new books than I had bought in 20 years because blogging caught my interest and, it being a relatively new phenomenon, detailed information was only available through new books.

    That said, I think buyers of new books are vital to the long term best interests of all of us.

  52. so i can write in it and read and reread things that form my soul in good ways.

  53. […] interesting question was brought up on this past week’s Booking Through Thursday about the decision of buying books versus using the library or used book sites such as pbs and […]

  54. http://bookeverysixdays.blogspot.com/2008/11/beg-borrow-or-steal.html
    tells you why I buy!
    Thanks for the meme – I enjoyed answering this one.

  55. Whew! I’m seriously late to this party. 😉 Here’s mine though. 😀