
btt button

1. In your opinion, what is the best translation of a book to a movie?
2. The worst?
3. Had you read the book before seeing the movie, and did that make a difference? (Personally, all other things being equal, I usually prefer whichever I was introduced to first.)

And, by all means, expand this to as long a list as you like. I’m notoriously awful myself at narrowing down to one favorite ANYTHING. So, feel free to list as many “good” or “bad” movie-from-books as you like. (Heaven knows that’s what I’ll be doing….)

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

78 responses

  1. Great idea – mine’s up!

  2. Mine’s up. Happy BTT!

  3. http://xinef.livejournal.com/140859.html

    1. The Harry Potter series are pretty good. They are all abridged, but for the most part, are faithful to the original books.

    2. Far too many to count. Almost anything made before 1980 or 1990. “I Robot” was especially bad – any resemblance to the original story seemed to be accidental!

    3. I agree that I tend to prefer whichever one I see/read first. And in the case that I’ve seen/read both, I tend to have fewer objections to the movie if I’ve seen it before reading the book.

  4. I just posted my answers here.

  5. Hi, back from vacation and mine is up now! Going to go back and read the comments for the days I missed! 🙂

  6. […] Posted in Books at 9:21 am by antqueen From Booking Through Thursday: […]

  7. Hey, it posted a comment for me. I didn’t know it would do that.

  8. Mine’s here. Glad to see this week’s question is one I could think of an answer for!

  9. […] putting this post up in honor of an adaptation project I’m working on right now. From Booking through Thursday: 1. In your opinion, what is the best translation of a book to a movie? 2. The worst? 3. Had you […]

  10. Hmmm…I think Nick Hornsby’s High Fidelity is one of the best book-to-movies I’ve seen. Hard to pick a worst. There are just too many.

  11. Great question seeing as I have seen a lot of adaptations over the years. Up and away.

  12. I suspect “To Kill A Mocking Bird” as the best adaptation. Not sure about the worst as we don’t watch a whole lot of movies (last time I was in a theater was the 3rd Star Wars in the original release). I usually prefer the book because movies have to leave out a lot of nuances to compress a book into the 90 to 120 minute format.

  13. Good afternoon BTT blogger, I hope you have good Thursday!

    Booking Through Thursday: Celluloid

  14. OOPS! I should have put the link to the actual page of Booking Through Thursday…so here it is again

    Booking Through Thursday: Celluloid

  15. Hope you all have room for one more participant!


  16. I’m posting late today but that’s what a migraine will do for you. Here it is:



  17. Here’s mine:


  18. […] Booking through Thursday: 1. In your opinion, what is the best translation of a book to a movie? 2. The worst? 3. Had you […]

  19. What a timely question, as there are couple of eagerly anticipated (by me, anyway) book-to-screen adaptations coming out in the next several months!

    I discuss them–and my best and worst choices–here.

    Happy Thursday, everyone!

  20. Here is mine!
    Maybe last but hopefully not least!

  21. It’s Friday where I am, so my answer’s a bit late. 🙂 Here it is!

  22. I’ve just joined and posted for the first time.

  23. I’ve linked to the post. Sorry

  24. I just thought of a good movie based on a book, but I haven’t read the book yet – The English Patient so I son’t know how they compared. I imagine the book ws complex.

  25. Fun topic this week~ not sure how I missed it yesterday.
    Here’s my response:

  26. My answers for this week and last week’s question are up: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/kympossible/356193/


  27. Yikes! For the next couple of weeks, I’m probably going to be late – but here’s my response:


  28. Better late than never

  29. I’ve actually been following this blog for awhile, but here’s my response to this week’s prompt (late I know!)

    The rest of them: http://parelle.livejournal.com/tag/bookingthroughthursday

  30. Here are mine on my Alter Ego blog: http://foundcraftygreenart.blogspot.com/2007/07/celluloid.html

    A bit late I know but I’ve only just found you!

  31. Dang, I keep reading everyone else’s but my computer time is so truncated I didn’t do mine yet. It’ll be up tomorrow.

  32. Hi
    I saw this at Reviews By Heidi and it looked like fun.
    Here it is over a blog. Come by for a visit.


    Because of Jesus, Bobbie