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Outside of books, what’s your favorite thing to read? Newspapers? Magazines? Blogs? Fanfiction? Specific websites?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

15 responses

  1. Here’s my answer! happy reading.

  2. Here’s my answer: http://wp.me/p3O1da-gD
    Nice question!

  3. I’m glad to see you back!

    Here’s my answer: http://mervih.wordpress.com/2013/11/21/otherwise/

  4. Happy Thursday! My answer is up. 🙂

  5. I still read exactly one physical newspaper. Find out which one: http://lindsayloves.com/2013/11/21/btt-otherwise/

  6. Happy to see BTT back! I am late, but my response can be read here: